A man searching on his pc the Italian citizenship assistance cost
The base Italian citizenship assistance cost of 3,000€ for a family of four covers a comprehensive range of essential services designed to facilitate the process of obtaining Italian citizenship efficiently and without complications. It’s important to note that this cost can vary significantly depending on specific circumstances and additional services required. Investing in professional assistance ensures that the process is handled correctly, saving time and avoiding common errors.
Obtaining Italian citizenship can be a bureaucratic and detailed process, especially in more complex cases. This journey often involves navigating through a maze of legal requirements, document collection, and various administrative procedures. For many, the process can be overwhelming and time-consuming. This is where hiring specialized Italian citizenship services can make a significant difference. These services can streamline the path to citizenship, providing expert guidance and support every step of the way.
Italian citizenship by birth is not just a legal status; it is a direct link to Italian culture, history, and values. For many, this connection is a source of pride and identity, offering a profound sense of belonging to a nation renowned for its rich cultural heritage. Italian citizenship by birth can significantly enhance one’s sense of identity. It ties individuals to a country celebrated for its contributions to art, music, and cuisine. Italian citizenship is a gateway to a vibrant and storied way of life.
Italian citizenship lawyer cost: Side photo of the Victor Emmanuel II Monument
Engaging a lawyer with expertise in Italian citizenship can be a smart move for those aiming to streamline the process and avoid pitfalls. The intricacies of Italian citizenship laws can be overwhelming, but a specialised attorney offers essential knowledge and guidance. With a deep understanding of legal subtleties, they can offer personalised advice, helping you build a solid application that aligns with all necessary regulations.
Italian citizenship eligibility is like a unique puzzle for each individual, where each piece represents a part of family history, documents, and even surprises that arise from genealogical research. This journey is not just about meeting criteria; it’s about uncovering the rich tapestry of your ancestry and understanding how it shapes your present and future. Understanding one’s eligibility can often be a way to connect with personal history and map out a future in Italy. This process allows you to delve into your roots, discovering stories and connections that may have been forgotten or unknown. It’s a journey that ties your past to your aspirations, creating a bridge to a new chapter in Italy.
Italian citizenship by blood: Photo of the city of Florence, with the Duomo di Firenze at the center
Italian citizenship by blood, or jus sanguinis, is more than a legal entitlement; it is a profound connection to the rich tapestry of Italian history, culture, and traditions. This bond transcends mere documents and formalities; it is a link between individuals and their ancestral homeland. It is a living legacy that brings your family history to life, making them a part of the present.
Does italy allow dual citizenship: image with different countries flags being analysed

Unlike some other countries that restrict citizens to holding only one citizenship, Italy takes a more flexible stance. Article 11 of the Italian Law of February 5th, 1992, No. 91, outlines the rules regarding dual citizenship:

“The citizen who owns, obtains, or re-obtains a foreign citizenship retains the Italian one, but he or she can renounce it if residing or establishing residency abroad.”

Key Points

  • Retaining Italian Citizenship:

If you acquire another citizenship (foreign citizenship), you can still keep your Italian citizenship intact. Italy recognizes dual citizenship, allowing individuals to hold both their original citizenship and Italian citizenship simultaneously.

  • No Mandatory Renunciation:

Applicants seeking Italian citizenship do not need to give up their original citizenship during the process. This flexibility is especially beneficial for those who want to maintain strong ties to both countries.

  • Voluntary Renunciation:

While not mandatory, some Italians may choose to formally renounce their citizenship rights for personal reasons or specific circumstances.

  • Dual Citizens and A.I.R.E.:

Dual citizens who are enrolled in the Registry of Italians living abroad (A.I.R.E.) have the option to renounce their Italian citizenship. To do so, they submit a formal declaration to the Italian Consulate.

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The benefits of italian citizenship

Dual citizenship offers numerous practical benefits to individuals, especially those with ties to Italy and another country:

Ease of Travel: Dual citizens can travel between Italy and their other country of citizenship without needing visas or facing immigration restrictions. This facilitates easier tourism, business trips, and family visits.

Social Benefits: Dual citizens may access social services and benefits in both countries, including healthcare, education, and social security systems.

Work and Study Opportunities: Dual citizenship eliminates work permit requirements in both countries, opening up employment and educational opportunities without the need for visas or residence permits.

Cultural Connection: Holding dual citizenship allows individuals to maintain a strong cultural connection to both Italy and their other country, fostering a deeper sense of identity and belonging.

Italian citizenship through the globalized world

Italy’s stance on dual citizenship is relatively open compared to many countries.

While some countries strictly prohibit dual citizenship, Italy takes a more permissive approach. Countries like Germany and Japan often require individuals to renounce their original citizenship upon acquiring another, whereas Italy allows dual citizenship without mandatory renunciation.

Globally, there is a growing trend towards more countries allowing dual citizenship as globalization increases. This trend reflects a recognition of individuals’ diverse national and cultural identities.

Italy’s flexible policy on dual citizenship aligns with broader global trends towards interconnectedness and mobility. It acknowledges the benefits of cultural exchange and international cooperation in today’s interconnected world.


Italy’s approach to dual citizenship reflects its openness and recognition of the globalized world. Whether you’re an Italian descendant seeking to reclaim your heritage or an individual with strong ties to Italy, the possibility of dual citizenship provides valuable opportunities.

For personalized advice or assistance, consult your nearest Italian consulate or legal professionals, such as io.citizenship. Our team of experts is ready to bring to you your long awaited Italian dual citizenship. Contact us today!

Begin your journey to Italian citizenship

Take advantage of specialized assistance to secure your passport for a borderless future.