Assistance for
Italian Dual Citizenship

"io" means "I" in italian

Luisa Helaine

Mãe, e pensa no futuro do seus filhos

João Silva

João, aposentado e apaixonado por gastronomia

Mariana Emboava

topa tudo e acha chique ser italiana

Paulo Berti

Pai de 2 filhos que já moram na europa e Professor

Elaine Berti

Mãe, sonhadora e ama o Buzz Lightyear

Luiz Claudio Cavalca

Pai e adora um queijo mineiro, sô!

Henrique Tibucheski

Médico, socorrista do exército

Natália Gazzola

Acredita que conhecer o mundo é conhecer a si mesmo

Fernanda Gazzola

Mãe, e apaixonada por viagens

Ariel Jaeger

Produtor audiovisual e parceiro da io.gringo

Marcela Emboava

Marcela, estudante e futura empreendedora

Helena Tibucheski

Médica e se especializando em ginecologia obstetrícia

Join over 6000 clients. This is the result of having the best customer service in the market.

We respect your time and money

Clear communication and the best service on the market are the main compliments we get from our clients as a result. We will handle your Italian citizenship smoothly and will always provide accurate answers to your questions and careful technical support throughout your family’s citizenship process.

We will assist you in getting your Italian citizenship throughout all its stages

Our team of specialists will guide you in discovering your Italian roots all the way to obtaining your Italian passport. 

With offices in Italy, we provide comprehensive support: researching missing certificates, obtaining, and translating documents, apostille services, and legal representation, with competence to ensure a smooth process without any hassles.

From the beginning to the end, from dream to passport.

We will assist you in getting your Italian citizenship throughout all its stages

Our team of specialists will guide you in discovering your Italian roots all the way to obtaining your Italian passport. 

With offices in Italy, we provide comprehensive support: researching missing certificates, obtaining, and translating documents, apostille services, and legal representation, with competence to ensure a smooth process without any hassles.

From the beginning to the end, from dream to passport.

The advantages of dual citizenship

Obtaining an Italian dual citizenship will bring you a number of significant advantages that may enrich your life in several ways:

Worldwide traveling becomes more accessible

With an Italian passport, you gain the freedom to travel visa-free to many places, including easier access to all European Union countries. This freedom of movement opens a range of opportunities, from tourism to international business.

New investment options

Italian citizenship offers more advantageous investment opportunities in Europe, with access to reasonable tax conditions and markets, significantly expanding your global investment options. Italian citizenship offers more advantageous investment opportunities in Europe, with access to favorable markets and tax conditions, significantly expanding your options for global investments.

Living and working in the best countries of the world

Italian citizenship opens the doors to living and working legally in any country of the European Union, providing a range of lifestyle and professional opportunities in some of the world's most desirable countries.

Discount for those who wish to study

Students with Italian citizenship can benefit from reduced enrollment fees and access to European universities scholarships, making high-quality education more accessible.

Legal access to Italian health system

As an Italian citizen, you have the right to access one of the best health systems in the world, which represents considerable security for you and your family.

Begin your journey to Italian Citizenship

Discover how Italian citizenship can transform your life. Take advantage of specialized assistance to secure your passport to a borderless future.

Why io.citizen?

Choosing io.citizen for your Italian citizenship process means opting for a safe, efficient, and personalized journey. Here are some of the reasons why we are the ideal choice to make your dream come true:

Process agility

High success rate

Proven experience

Dedicated and continuous service

Clarity and transparency

Easy payment

Talk to our team with no obligation

Companies that trust us

See some of the companies that trust io.citizen

Learn about our services

In addition to Italian dual citizenship, io.citizen composes a variety of complementary services, essential to the citizenship process, to simplify your journey and ensure that every legal and bureaucratic aspects are managed professionally and efficiently.

Italian AIRE

Sworn translation for italian citizenship

Italian Citizenship Documentation

Genealogy research for italian citizenship

Document Rectification for italian citizenship

Frequently Asked Questions

Changes in our lives can seem complex and difficult to navigate, but despite the challenges, obtaining your dual citizenship can be easy. If you still have doubts, we have outlined important topics to answer any questions:

A person with the right to Italian citizenship may be:

  • Descendant of Italians: anyone who has an Italian ancestor, with no limit on generations, can claim Italian citizenship by descent, provided that the Italian ancestor has not renounced his citizenship before the birth of the next descendant in the line of succession.
  • Married to an Italian: people married to Italian citizens are entitled to Italian citizenship once they meet following criteria:  1) Three years of marriage if they reside outside Italy. 2) After 18 months if they have children. 3) If they reside in Italy, the time period is of two years. 4) One year if they have children. Italian language proficiency at B1 Level is required.
  • Living in Italy: foreigners residing in Italy can apply for citizenship after living legally in the country for a period of ten years.
  • Born in Italy (ius solis): it applies to individuals born in Italy who have no other nationality or whose parents are unknown or cannot transmit their own nationality.
  • For special merits: in certain cases, Italian citizenship may be granted to foreigners who have made significant contributions to Italy, at the discretion of the Italian President.

Remember, in every case, it is essential to prove the connection with Italy through proper documentation and follow the legal process stipulated by the Italian authorities.

To obtain Italian citizenship, you must follow these steps:

  • Check your right to citizenship: determine if you fit into any of the eligibility categories (descent, marriage, residency, etc.).
  • Gather the necessary documents: collect all relevant documents, such as birth, marriage, and death certificates, from both Italian ancestors and direct descendants, including yourself. Non-Italian documents must be legalized and translated by a sworn translator.
  • Fix inconsistencies: check all documents for inconsistencies or errors and make the necessary corrections. This can include errors in names, dates, or locations.
  • Translate and authenticate with an apostille documents: The documents must be translated into Italian by a sworn translator and then, if your country is a party to the Hague Convention, they must be apostilled to have international validity.
  • Submit or present the documents: depending on your case, send or present the documents to the Italian Consulate in your jurisdiction or to the municipality in Italy. For citizenship by marriage, an additional application must be filled out, including a test of Italian language proficiency that must be taken.
  • Wait for analysis: after the submission, there will be a waiting period in which case your information will be verified and processed. For applications made in Italy, you will need to establish residence and be registered at the local town hall (commune).
  • Request in Italy or in your country: the process can be done directly in Italy or through an Italian consulate in country. The choice influences the processing time.
  • Monitoring: You must be attentive to communication with the consulate or commune and be ready to provide additional documents or clarification if necessary.
  • Recognition and registration: once approved, your citizenship will be registered in Italy, and you will be able to apply for your Italian passport.

The routes to obtain Italian citizenship can be classified based on where and how the process is conducted:

  • Consulate assistance in your country: this is the most common way for people to apply for Italian citizenship. The process is done through the closest Italian consulate to the applicant’s residence. It includes the collection and submission of all necessary documentation to prove Italian descent. In case one is married to an Italian citizen, he or she will be followed by a consular analysis. This route may take several years due to long waiting queues.
  • Judicial route: when there are problems with documentation, or in specific cases, such as descendants of Italian women born before 1948 (who have a legal limitation on the transmission of citizenship by descent), one can opt for the judicial route. This implies filing a judicial action in Italian justice for the recognition of citizenship. This is usually done by a lawyer in Italy who is specialized in citizenship law.
  • Via Commune directly in Italy: this route involves moving to Italy and establishing residence in an Italian Commune (municipality). After establishing legal residence in Italy (Registering in AIRE – Registry of Italians Residing Abroad), the applicant can apply for citizenship directly in the Commune. This option may be faster than the consular process, but it is mandatory for the candidate to reside in Italy during the process.

Each of these routes has its own specifics, requirements, and processing times. The choice of the most appropriate route will depend on the applicant’s individual circumstances, including their documentation situation, their family history, and their ability to live in Italy if necessary.

To obtain Italian citizenship, several steps and the collection of specific documents are required, depending on the basis of your right to citizenship. Here are the general requirements and common steps:

  • Determine your eligibility: you must determine whether you are entitled to Italian citizenship, whether by descent (jus sanguinis), marriage (if married to an Italian citizen), or residency (if you have lived legally in Italy for a certain period).
    • Collect relevant documents:
    • For citizenship by descent: It is required to present birth, marriage, and death certificates in full content for each generation between you and your Italian ancestor. This includes documentation of the Italian ancestor and all direct descendants down to you.
    • For citizenship by marriage: Italian or translated and legalized marriage certificate, certificate of Italian language proficiency (B1 level or higher), and possibly proof of how long you have been married.
    • For residence: proof of legal residence in Italy for a specified period, usually 10 years for non-descendants.
  • Check and correct documents: all documents must be checked for accuracy. Any discrepancy in names, dates, or locations may need to be corrected through a rectification process.
  • Translation and legalization: all non-Italian documents must be translated into Italian by a sworn translator. Besides, they need to be legalized for international use, which for many countries means being authenticated with an apostille, in accordance with The Hague Convention.
  • Submit the request: depending on your route of application (consular, judicial, or direct in Italy), you will have to send or present all relevant documents to the Italian consulate, the Italian court, or the municipality (Commune) in na Itália.
  • Wait for processing: the processing time can vary significantly, from a few months to several years, depending on the chosen route and the workload of the processing organ.
  • Registering in AIRE: if you are residing outside Italy, you must register in the Registry of Italians Residing Abroad (AIRE) through the Italian consulate after being granted citizenship.

Remember that each case is unique and there may be additional or specific requirements based on your personal situation, Italian ancestry, and current legislation.

It is not possible to obtain Italian citizenship based only on your surname. Italian citizenship is normally acquired by jus sanguinis (right of blood), which means you need to have a direct Italian ancestor. It is not the surname that guarantees this right, but the documented and unbroken family lineage from the Italian ancestor to you. This is what matters.

If you have an Italian surname and believe you have Italian ancestry, you should:

  • Trace your family tree: identify your Italian ancestor (such as a great-grandfather, great-grandfather) from whom your surname originates. You must prove the direct line of descent from your ancestor.
  • Collect documents: gather birth, marriage and death certificates that connect every generation, from your Italian ancestor to you. These documents must be official and preferably issued by civil or religious authorities. 
  • Verify the ancestor’s citizenship: make sure that your Italian ancestor did not renounce his or her Italian citizenship before the birth of your direct descendant. This can be verified through historical documents or naturalization records.
  • Rectify and translate documents: correct any errors or discrepancies in the documents and translate them into Italian with a sworn translator.
  • Apostille: make sure that all foreign documents are legalized in Italy, which usually means obtaining The Hague Apostille for documents if your country is a party to the Hague Convention.
  • Application: submit your application for recognition of Italian citizenship to the Italian consulate closest to your residence or directly in Italy if you live there.

The cost to obtain Italian citizenship can vary significantly depending on several factors. This includes the route of application, the number of generations since your Italian ancestor, the number of documents that must be collected and translated, and whether you decide to hire a professional or an agency to assist you in the process. Here are some estimated costs involved in the process:

  • Documentation and certificates: 
    • Certificates: the fees for issuing certificates in full content may vary depending on the state and the registry office.
    • Sworn translation: the translation of documents into Italian costs per page, depending on the translator and the complexity of the document
  • Apostille:
    • The fee for the apostille of each document varies from state to state.
  • Specialized consultancy:
    • While you may choose to hire a consultancy service to help with the process, the costs can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your case.
  • Other costs:
    • Moving and sending documents: if you need to pick up documents in different cities or countries, travel and shipping costs can increase.
    • Consular fees: if the process is done through an Italian consulate, there may be consular fees involved.
    • Living in Italy: if you choose to apply for citizenship directly in Italy, you will need to consider the costs of housing, food, and other costs of living during your period of residence.
  • Judicial process:
    • If it is necessary to opt for the judicial route, either in Italy for cases of female ancestor (before 1948), or to speed up the process, there will be additional costs with lawyers, court fees and possible travel expenses.


It is important to remember that these costs may vary depending on your specific situation, state or country. In addition, the exchange rate can also affect the total cost for those who lives outside europe. It is recommended to make a detailed budget before starting the process and consider a margin for unforeseen costs.

The time required to obtain Italian citizenship can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the route through which you are applying, the complexity of your case, the number of generations you need to document, and the processing times for both your country and Italian authorities. Here are some time estimates based on the different routes of application:

  • Administrative/Consular route: the process can take from 7 to 14 years, depending on the Italian consulate where the application is made and the waiting queue.
  • Judicial route through action of recognition (counter-queue): this option is used when there are excessive delays by the consulate. Time periods may differ, but it is usually faster than the consular route, taking on average two years.
  • Commune route directly in Italy (residing in Italy): if you move to Italy and apply for citizenship directly through a Commune (municipality), the process can be significantly faster, taking anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the specific Commune and your ability to provide all the necessary documentation quickly and accurately.your country

Having an Italian citizenship offers a number of advantages and is considered an excellent option for several reasons, including:

  • Freedom to live and work in the EU: as an Italian citizen, you have the right to live, work and study in any country of the European Union without the need for additional visas or work permits.
  • Access to high-quality education: Italian citizenship offers access to renowned education systems in Europe, often at reduced costs compared to non-citizens.
  • High quality healthcare system: Italy, like many other EU countries, offers a high-quality public health system that is affordable for its citizens.
  • Global mobility: the Italian passport is one of the most powerful in the world, allowing visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry into many countries, facilitating international travel.
  • Voting rights: as an Italian citizen, you have the right to vote in elections in Italy and in the European Union, giving you a voice in political affairs and society.
  • Employment opportunities: having an EU passport can be beneficial when looking for a job, as many companies prefer candidates who do not require additional work permits.
  • Cultural and family heritage: many people are entitled to Italian citizenship due to their ancestry. Obtaining citizenship can be a way to reconnect with your roots and preserve family history.
  • Legal and social Security: with Italian citizenship, you acquire additional legal protection and can benefit from bilateral agreements between Italy and other countries.
  • Business opportunities: as an EU citizen, you can start a business and invest in Italy or other EU countries under favorable regulations.
  • Ease of residence for family members: your Italian citizenship can facilitate the process of obtaining residence for your family members in Italy and other EU countries.